
Resolutions or Not

Not everyone makes the infamous "New Year's Resolutions."
I used to make a point of making a few, and often forgot them within a week.

This year however, I am not going to make any. Instead, I am going to make lifestyle changes.
Here are the few areas I am going to make changes in:

  1. Health (Physical)- In high school, I played sports. I was overall in shape, ate semi healthy, and never really put on weight other than muscle. Now, halfway through my sophomore year of college, I have not put on any weight (woohoo), but my muscle has turned to mush. I'm getting married soon, and I do not want flabby arms! Time to make myself get back into the swing of working out!
    1. Health (Mental)- Staying mentally healthy has been a recurring challenge for me since high school. It is not something I enjoy admitting that I have struggled with. While 2014 was my best year of handling it since my struggle with self harm first began, I know I still have a way to go. I had a lot of improvement this past year but I am going to encourage myself to make longer strides.
    2. Pray- I have been a Christian my entire life, yet I struggle with consistent prayer. While I feel this may bring hypocrisy upon my name, I know it is something I desperately need to work on. So this year is going to be a slow and steady improvement on my prayer life and my relationship with God. I am taking a theology course entitled "Our Living Faith" so I hope that it will assist my journey.
    3. Give More- In a time with little money, I have become greedy. I do not share my love, talents, money, and other blessings as I should. There is so much more of me that people should get to experience.
    4. Organize- In past years I have been a rather organized person. I would have to say high school was the peak of this. Here in Saint Paul, my stuff is a wreck! I need to get back on my game and clean and maintain. This will also assist with wedding planning.
    While a lot of these changes are huge, I know it will take more than just a day to accomplish them. These are large tasks I have set up. I am going to write them out and post them in my room so I am reminded of them daily. 
    Hopefully I stick with them longer than I have stuck with resolutions in past years.

    Do you have any resolutions you have made? What are they? How do you plan to stick to them?

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