
Invitations, Catering, and the Guest List...Oh My!

Folks, it's about to get crazy here.
We're quickly approaching the 6 months mark until the wedding. That means things begin to get finalized!

So scary!

Yesterday, Trevor and I finished designing our invitations. They look pretty dang snazzy. We also ordered them! We got 40% off for Vistaprint! Plus 50 free envelopes! Win-Win! I am so excited/nervous/scared/impatient to get them.

Along with invitations came finalizing the guest list. What an incredibly tough task.
Some people will receive a special edition digital invitation which will link them directly to our wedding website, rather than a paper invite. While I certainly hope this does not offend anyone, I know it will help save on costs in a lot of ways: stamp purchases, invitation purchases, envelope purchases, etc. The main missing component of our guest list now is people's address (both physical & e-mails). So don't be surprised if you get a text or Facebook message from me soon asking for either!

One large cost that is scary to think about lately is food. Catering is so damn expensive! We've had two people from my church congregation say they may consider making the food for us if we discuss details with them sometime. So hopefully my dad and I can set up a Skype conference soon to get things figured out.

Through all of the stress planning a wedding has caused me, I still am sure I am less stressed than most brides.
I have an amazingly wonderful fiance who has been so supportive when I am in the midst of a freak out (which happens regularly).
All in all, I know the most important thing about the upcoming day is that I will be married. If the food runs out, or is burnt, or no one shows up, or too many people show up, none of that matters--I'll me married to my best friend.

Only 188 days!

1 comment:

  1. GIIIRL! This is so exciting! I remember sending out invitations being one of my favorite parts. It just made everything SO real. I'm so excited for you. These next 6 months will fly by, enjoy every second. Wedding planning is a blast! Congratulations to you!

