
Monday Mornings

My goal this semester was to spend more time in the library. Based on last semester, that was not going to be a very hard task. This personal challenge has led me into a new routine.

Monday/Wednesday/Friday Mornings
6:45 am: wake up/hit snooze
6:55-7:20 am: get ready for the day
7:20 am: leave room
7:26 am: arrive at New Testament
7:26-7:32 am: check phone until Paavola begins class late
7:32-8:20 am: New Testament
8:20-8:24 am: walk toward library
8:25 am: use a meal swipe on chocolate chip bread and a water or milk
8:26 am: sit down at regular spot in the library
8:27-8:40 am: check phone/eat breakfast
8:40 am: work on New Testament homework until I'm finished

This happens three times a week, and I must say, I like it. I'm finally in the routine of getting my homework done for New Testament as soon as it's assigned. It's probably the only class I'm quite punctual in. I would love to have this same work ethic in a few of my other classes, but I doubt that will happen.

It will certainly be interesting to see how my schedule changes and works out for next year!

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