

With my education program interview on the horizon, I have been doing a lot of thinking.

In my Our Living Faith class, my professor has been stressing that we don't have to scream doctrine at people. We are better witnesses by our actions and showing others love.
I think this is one of the best things I have learned from this course.

Currently, it seems shoved in my face that I need to know everything about Lutheranism. It's kind of freaking me out honestly. It's a rather complex denomination and my exit interview at the end of my student teaching already seems to be looming over me. I fear that I will not get my Lutheran Classroom certification because of not knowing doctrine well enough.

So then why does one of my professors bother making the above point if it's contradictory to what the school seems to tell us?

Because it's the truth.

This article really made me realize it too: Jesus Didn't Care about Correct Doctrine, and Neither Should We

I am a proud Lutheran. I wholeheartedly believe every ounce of my church's doctrine. However, the doctrine was interpreted by man. So I do not doubt that there may be errors in it. I'm not blindly learning this stuff in my theology courses, I am questioning it. I am trying to decipher it on my own. But while I still am making sense of it all, I know that regardless of what I deduct, I can still witness for Christ by reaching out to those who need a friend, just as Jesus did.

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