
Holiday Stress

Well the holiday seasons are usually busier, aren't they? I don't remember last Christmas season being QUITE this busy! I'm stressed beyond belief! Today, I left the house at 7 am for Stage One at Mackinaw's and then just got home at 10 pm from basketball! At least I got my license on Tuesday! Woot Woot! I love having that freedom so much, even though all I've done so far is basically drive from home to school to Stage One events. Hopefully this weekend I use this new freedom well, and can go shopping for people's Christmas presents!
I feel terrible about that actually! I don't have anyone's presents! I think I'm going to steal Ana's idea and make homemade baked goods. Because A. I don't have time for anything else and B. I have very little money! So to all of my dear friends: I love each and everyone of you dearly, but I'm afraid the stress of the holidays has caught up with me, and your presents will be on the lower end of the money scale and be made from the heart instead. I hope you understand! Even if they're a smidgity bit late!
Well, off to go do MORE homework! How terrible!

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