
Reality Sucks

As summer has begun, so has my wonderful streak of reality tv shows. 
Every summer I get into the phase where I sit on the recliner for hours and watch loads of tv. This summer my show of choice is pretty much anything on Bravo or WeTv!
Sometimes these shows make me want to live those people's lives and other times it makes me thankful for the life I have.
When I grow up ideally I would want to be a stay at home mom with 5 kids. I have names picked out already for them even! Alexia Marie, Rosalie Anne, Jace (no middle name picked out yet), Lindsie Mae, and Andrew Thomas! I know that eventually this won't work out, unless I marry rich. 
And in all reality, I doubt that will happen. And yes, it sucks, but I guess I can handle having to put in some hard work and endure college and work for a spot in the real world. Reality may suck, but in the long run I think I'll actually be quite happy living a life with lots of hard work and dedication to family, friends, and work.

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