
Pizza Ranch and Noodles and Company

Pizza Ranch and Noodles and Company are definitely two different worlds.

My favorite thing about working at Pizza Ranch: my co workers, the owners, the environment in general.
My favorite thing about working at Noodles: I get paid $8.25/hr.

I strongly believe that your favorite part of your job should not be the amount you are paid. However, that's really all I like about Noodles.

Noodles has challenged me in a way that Pizza Ranch did not though. I am meeting a lot of different people through working there. Everyone has such different backgrounds and it is quite the struggle to be the white, pastor's kid that goes to a private college. And yes, I have been asked why I am not living with my fiance yet. The only girl there that knew I am a pastor's kid popped into the conversation to say, "Obviously because she's a pastor's kid and can't do it before she's married."

In my senior year of high school, I took an advanced biology course. We discussed how we would be faced with the topic of creation versus evolution throughout our lives. In the class we were taught both sides. Yes, I learned about evolution at a private, Lutheran school. However, part of me feared the day I would actually face the conversation with someone who really, genuinely believed in evolution.

Sunday I faced that fear. We did not discuss it much, but it was brought up about how a co worker's friend went to a private Christian college for pre-med. She feared the friend would not be accepted into medical school because of "false" science classes, meaning they not only taught evolution, but also creation. I told her about how my high school taught evolution and she seemed to lighten up a bit about the topic, since I flat out stated that I believe in creationism.

It was amazing to me that I had the opportunity to take a stance on my beliefs. I did not know how awesome ti would feel. I did not talk much about my faith, but the fact that I told her I supported creationism shows that I do believe in God.

At Pizza Ranch, I do not know that I would ever have a conversation like that. For one, there is not ever much down time where you just stand around and talk with your co workers. At Noodles, that happens quite frequently.

Despite the fact that I do not like working at Noodles very much, in general, I think that God has definitely placed me there for a reason. For a reason more than just to be able to afford a wedding in August. I am excited to see where Noodles takes me and what I am pushed to do as God's servant.

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