
My Wonderful Best Friend

E: What is your first memory of us?
A: I think it was winter league for volleyball before freshmen year.
E: I wasn't here for that lol
A: Haha oops... Oh! Oh! It was Sarah's party!
A: I completely forgot about that!

E: What's your favorite memory of us?
A: I don't think I have just one haha
A: I remember getting ready for snowball and Steinhaus was there at your house.. Creeper..
A: Or when you were here at my house and my dad started to sing karaoke with us
A: Or stage one
A: Or when we did solo and ensemble together
E: Wow, so many good times

E: What's your biggest dream you hope to accomplish?
A: Right now it's to discover who and what I'm supposed to be
A: And probably somehow make it into the fashion industry
E: Like as a designer? Model?
A: Both or either or!

E: Have any wedding plans you want to share with my blog? (Ana got engaged December 2013!)
A: Well... Where to begin... First off I'm going for the rustic/vintage/boho theme with sage green and blush as being the primary color scheme..
A: As for flowers I'm thinking peonies and helaboris because of the time of year I'd like the wedding to take place, ideally either the last weekend in June or the first weekend in July of 2016.
A: Here are some examples..
A: A lot of the decor and such is going to be DIY and things that I've had people so kindly offer to let me borrow. Even the wedding favors are going to be made by my grandma and I; we're going to make jam to give away as gifts.
A: The ceremony itself I would like to be held in the middle of the woods behind my grandparents'
house with the reception to be held in their barn or if that is not possible, I would rent a large event tent and have it in their back yard.
A: The wedding party and overall guest list is going to be small, with only 75-115 people invited and 3 bridesmaids including the maid of honor and three grooms men.
A: I have yet to decide on a menu so that is still up in the air
E: It sounds like you have pretty much everything else figured out! You should just plan my wedding ;)
A: We don't have a big budget at all for this wedding so we are probably going to keep it relatively "simple". I used the "" because as you well know I have my ideas and they can be pretty complex haha
A: I would love to plan your wedding! Haha
A: And as for my dress I shall keep that one a secret ;)
E: Smart!
E: I can't believe you have all of that figured out already!
A: I've had that figured out for a long time haha

E: What do you see happening in the next 10 years? Be detailed.
A: In the next ten years... Hmm.... Well, Nick and I get married and hopefully by then I will have a set idea as to what it is I would like to pursue career wise. Once Nick is out of the Marines we plan on moving back here and probably getting an apartment to start of with, but eventually we would like to buy a house with land so we can have a small hobby farm with chickens, goats, horses, cats, and a dog. After he's out he is thinking of going into the police force. We also have dreams of traveling the world together before we completely settle down and start a family; which probably wouldn't be till we're 30 or so.
E: Seems like you have it all figured out!
A: Or so I like to think haha

E: Do you have any last comments/words of inspiration/things you need to share for my blog?
A: Well I should say that though it may seem that I have this grand plan of how I want everything to work out I don't expect it to. I don't mean that in any negative sense at all, what I mean is that I know God always has a plan as to how the events in my life, in everyone's lives, will play out for the better even when it seems like things are not going at all the way you had planned them. I always have to remind myself that God is in control and that in the end what he has planned is so much more amazing than anything I could have come up with and that it's times like those that shape who we are and who we become.
A: There I think I said all that I needed to say haha

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