
The Weekend

This weekend was interesting (for lack of a better word).

I worked over 14 hours at Noodles and Company. That is normally about how many hours in a week I work over four shifts, not two.

While I greatly appreciate my GMs thoughtfulness of giving me a lot of hours before I am gone for a week, I would have appreciated a few less.

Yesterday, I woke up with searing pain in my right knee. I have had issues with it since high school, and it seems the recurring pain will not likely go away anytime soon. Besides my knee pain, my back was incredibly sore. I was not looking forward to work, but hoped that it would at least be a slow morning.

Boy, was I wrong.

Our opener was a no show. I rolled in at noon, two hours after an opener is supposed to show up. I noticed she was not there and was frustrated, then I noticed the line to the door. The manager quickly had me count a drawer, since I was the only experienced cashier scheduled. I stood for the next 45 minutes to an hour in one position, asking the same questions, "Parmesan or Feta," "Is that for here or to go," "Can I get your name for the order," "Would you like to add a side soup or side salad for a little over a dollar extra?" I imagine this was a little taste of what hell must be like.

The opener shift is always 10am-4pm. I was scheduled 12-3pm, 4-8:30pm. I was supposed to run front from 4-5 by myself, and she was supposed to run it from 3-4. However, since she didn't show another girl and I were asked to cover her time and shift our breaks around so we could be okay up front. My break changed to 3:30-4:15. I am actually quite surprised I got this break, since I figured I'd probably end up working straight through my full shift.

Thankfully, for my shift on Sunday I wore my knee brace. However, I am still sore this morning and have a slight limp. I'm thinking it will probably not be the best day.

As much as I love to rant about my job and write about all of the negative aspects, I really like working at Noodles. Granted, I don't see myself spending forever there, but I have bonded with my coworkers and it has slowly become quite enjoyable being there. (Plus the discount is nice.)

Also...we're hiring! If you live in Saint Paul and need a job, completely disregard the above statements, and apply! :)

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