
The Introduction

I have finally received word on who my roommates will be and which room I will be living in.
I think I'm more nervous than when I found out for CUW.

We're all friends on Facebook now, but have yet to talk to each other. I don't know how well they know each other or anything, so I decided to break the ice...

"Hello ladies, I guess I don't really know anything about you, but I'm quite excited to get to know you all throughout the year! I thought I'd introduce myself before the school starts however, just so I can ease into the year a little easier.. I'm Elisebeth (duh), I live in Green Bay WI--Go Packers! I actually spent most of my life in Minnesota, and am super excited to finish out my college years back in the fabulous state. My dad is a pastor, which is why my family has moved around. I am an Early Childhood Education major with LCT as my minor. Last year I was a freshman at Concordia University Wisconsin. I loved it there and made some great friends by the end of the year. I decided to transfer to CSP for a few reasons. Mainly because I got bored at CUW, because it's like half an hour from Milwaukee and I don't own a car so I was always stuck on campus. This also caused difficulties with me getting a job. So I'm super excited to be in the city! Another reason I decided on CSP is because my boyfriend goes to a music school in St. Paul, so I'm excited to no longer have to deal with a long distance relationship. So yeah, that's pretty much it right off the bat. I don't know how well you ladies know each other already, but I would certainly love to hear about your lives"

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