I decided this summer I was going to do some Pinterest projects, however, a few weeks ago I realized I had yet to do any.
Shame on me. So while scrolling Pinterest, as I do most days, I came across some dorm decorating ideas.
I'm hoping my dorm at Saint Paul can be decorated easily to my liking. I'm generally rather boring when it comes to decor and I would love to change that. So now is the time, right?!
So, back to scrolling Pinterest, I came across several lovely ideas and got some inspiration. Last year I didn't have a very well functioning corkboard. I had brought along Sarah's that I had been gifted during high school. I love the look it gave my room, however, it has a slight curve in it so it doesn't stay on walls. Thus, it wasted precious desk space. So this school year, it shall find a place in my room at home for when I come home over breaks.
Back to the point of this post! I saw lots of cool ideas for how to decorate corkboards! Perfect solution to my miniscule problem in life.
Here are some of the pins that inspired me to do this DIY project:
Tribal Elephant Canvas Art: This is not actually on corkboard, but on canvas. You will (hopefully) see the resemblance between it and one of my corkboards!
Prayer Board
Corkboard & Other projects
DIY Chevron Corkboard
So here's my first attempt at a DIY blogpost! (I apologize as I don't have pictures for a lot of this)
Corkboard Meets Washi Tape:
- I went to Hobby Lobby and bought a 4 pack of corkboard & washi tape of my liking. The final price ended up being under $10 because of in-store sales plus the coupon you can use on the Hobby Lobby app (which I highly suggest using).
- I continued searching through Pinterest to find ideas I would love throughout the year. The links above were some of my inspiration as well as others I looked at for designs.
- CHEVRON: I knew for sure I wanted to do a chevron board and that would be the most difficult, so that is the one I started with. I taped a chevron pattern on the "top" of the corkboard with one color of washi tape. I made the mistake of not using a ruler and just did it by eye. This however caused issues later on. So the first row turned out well, in my opinion. I used a ruler then to create my next row approximately two inches below the first. This is where I noticed flaws in my original line as the tape was hard to make look even and similar to my first row. I then made my third,, and final, row below that the same distance between as the previous. VOILA! It's done! *Later I noticed some of my washi tape was coming up already on the edges. gasp. So I flipped over my corkboard and decided to use masking tape to tape down the edges of the tape to the back so it would be sturdier.*

- PRAYER BOARD: I knew also that I wanted to create a Prayer Board. I know so many people right now that I need to keep in my prayers, and I thought this would be my best way of keeping track of everyone. I found the idea on Pinterest and knew this would be perfect. It was extremely simple. I wrote "Prayers" on a slip of construction paper and taped it to the corkboard. I also added some embellishments with the washi tape.
- ABSTRACT: I had no idea what I wanted to do with my third cork piece. So I asked Natalie, the 8-year-old I babysit if she had any thoughts. She suggested I do put random tape down. I let her choose where I placed them since she so willingly let me use one of her washi tapes that I didn't have.

- MONOGRAM: I love monograms. They're so "in" right now. However, I won't be a Hovland forever, so do I really want a corkboard that says my current initials? I decided to just to stick to "E." (This is ironically now what a friend from work is trying to convince all of Pizza Ranch-dom to call me.) Natalie suggested I use some of her paints on this one so I wouldn't use all of my washi tape up. bless her rich soul. I decided I didn't want to attempt more chevron, like seen in my inspiration from Pinterest, and just stuck to diagonal stripes. I cut a large "E" from construction paper and set it in the center of the cork. I then taped the lines down around it. I found some awesome silver paint in Natalie's collection and painted that on over the whole cork.
Sadly some of the paint made its way under the tape when I removed it. damn, no more straight lines. The perfectionist in me couldn't handle it. So Natalie mentioned she also had paint markers. Awesome sauce. I used those to outline my "E" and fix the lines that had the largest mistakes!

So there ya have it! My first ever DIY blogpost. I don't think I did too poorly..
I'd love to hear some feedback on the post, the ideas, or on the project itself!