I'm officially over someone. It feels great. In fact, it feels better than great. After playing with me like that, I deserve better. And I've finally come to realize that.
Part of that talk we had, you made a very important point that we stay friends. Whatever happened to that? Today was the first time you've actually talked to me during the school day since we had that depressing talk. And I'm pretty sure we only talked because we sit next to each other in that class. Fantastic. Thanks for blowing off the promise of staying friends and still hanging out.
Guess what...
I'm almost glad it ended up like this. Your true colors were revealed, and honestly I feel sorry for YOU. You are the one that probably doesn't know what it's like to have a real friend. I have loads of them, and they support me no matter what. Even against guys like you.
So.. Thanks, I guess.
I love you! One day you will find the man of your dreams who will treat you exactly how you deserve to be treated!