

My new blog is up and running.
For my life updates, check there as I will no longer be using this blog.

Thanks to everyone who has read my blog on here, and I am sure I will quote plenty from here.


XOXO Elisebeth



I am currently in the middle of transitioning my lifestyle blog (this one) to Wordpress as my host site.
It's kind of a pain in the butt starting over, but I also feel that I will no longer be held down by my past and what is in this blog.
Once I have more done on my new blog, you guys will find out first!
I hope you'll join me and follow me through my new blog and journey.

Love you all!



You guys! It is April already!

This month looks jam packed!

I am currently home in Green Bay for Easter. I head back to Saint Paul Monday. I am already quite excited to head back. I cannot wait to move there in August!

Anywho, here's what is in store for the month!

April 11th I will be interviewing for the Education Program at Concordia. I am beyond nervous for this-it decides my future. What could be more nerve-wracking than that? I have yet to find out about what time I will be doing the interview process, but I am eagerly awaiting the email that will tell me my fate.
April 17th & 18th I am babysitting my cousins overnight. I am super excited about this! My aunt and uncle proposed this idea when Trevor and I visited when we got back from Spring Break. I'm loving the idea of spending more time with my cousins, and I'm hoping we watch their favorite movie: The Sound of Music.
April 18th is Trevor's 21st birthday! We don't really have plans figured out yet-but I'm hoping we celebrate at a restaurant so I can be a part of the festivities as well. I'm still in the process of buying his gift-he's so picky!

In addition to the above dates, Trevor and I need to tour apartments and find one we will be living in next year. Trevor will also be shooting for a new client, and I may be second shooting with him.

April will certainly be a busy month, but I'm excited for the adventures it will hold! I think it will be a fantastic time of preparation for the wedding as well.