I am now 20.
I cannot believe that.
Only 52 weeks until I can legally drink-that's exciting I guess.
20 is kind of a weird birthday. At least for me it was.
It was spent doing normal things. Like going to church. the mall. dinner. doing laundry.
The only thing special was the constant reminder that it was my birthday so I had to make decisions. That just became more annoying than special.
Trevor got me an awesome present. I love that guy.
He bought me a Pentax K1000. These film cameras stopped by manufactured in '97.
I am so excited to begin shooting again with film!
What will 20 hold for me?
I'll be getting married.
I'll be in my own apartment with Trevor starting in August.
I'll be a real adult.
I'll have to be paying bills regularly.
What else?
I am not sure.
I hope for a lot of adventure and fun.
So here's to the beginning of my twenties.
random thoughts
Wow, we're at 164 days until the wedding!
Today I got almost all of the envelopes for invitations addressed..we're just waiting for a few addresses.
Some invitations will be hand delivered, others will be digitally sent out, and others will be old school snail-mailed.
Today I got almost all of the envelopes for invitations addressed..we're just waiting for a few addresses.
Some invitations will be hand delivered, others will be digitally sent out, and others will be old school snail-mailed.
My hand got dramatically sore as the day went on. Never have I addressed so many envelopes!
Just In Case...
I am loving photo blogging.
Being able to showcase my photography work somewhere is awesome to me.
So if you haven't, or even if you have,
please check it out!
Elisebeth Anne Photography
My latest post: Film
Being able to showcase my photography work somewhere is awesome to me.
So if you haven't, or even if you have,
please check it out!
Elisebeth Anne Photography
My latest post: Film
Last semester I was working pretty consistently at PLUS Time. Playful Learning with University Students. It's an after school program for kids in kindergarten through 5th grade at an apartment complex near to Concordia.
I continued working there as this semester began. However, things were different.
Last semester I was a student worker. There was no dispute about this at all.
As this semester began, a new supervisor came into play. He was less reliable than the other two supervisor. He also happened to be supervising Tuesdays, my main day there. I brought up some of his areas he needed to work on to our faculty advisor, so they could be worked on. However, her response was to make me "back up supervisor," meaning when he couldn't make it last second, I was to be in charge. This shifted quickly to me being supervisor completely.
Now supervisors are paid an extra dollar an hour ($9.00), but you also attend two hour and a half meetings and must also have extensive lesson plans for each of the days you supervise. As a future teacher, I love to develop lesson plans. But not for this particular group of students.
At PLUS Time, it is a large group of diverse students. This diversity is not only ethnically, but religiously, and age as well. There are also a few students who are extremely hard to work with.
As much as I know my experience at PLUS Time will strengthen me for my future classroom, I also question how diverse my future classroom will be. I am an LCT (Lutheran Classroom Teacher) minor, which means I will receive a call when I graduate Fall 2017. I will be in a Lutheran classroom. This will eliminate quite a bit of religious diversity. I am not saying there will be no diversity, but I highly doubt the levels of diversity I will experience will be to the heightened extremes as are found at PLUS Time.
I recently emailed my faculty advisor saying I cannot work there anymore. I did not want to become supervisor because I already have a lot on my plate. I am a full time student. I work at Noodles. I am planning my wedding. I am interviewing for program this semester. I need time for Trevor. AND I need time for myself.
I have become overcommitted here and needed to regain my sense of time management. So that is what I have done.
I will miss some of these kids though.

I continued working there as this semester began. However, things were different.
Last semester I was a student worker. There was no dispute about this at all.
As this semester began, a new supervisor came into play. He was less reliable than the other two supervisor. He also happened to be supervising Tuesdays, my main day there. I brought up some of his areas he needed to work on to our faculty advisor, so they could be worked on. However, her response was to make me "back up supervisor," meaning when he couldn't make it last second, I was to be in charge. This shifted quickly to me being supervisor completely.
Now supervisors are paid an extra dollar an hour ($9.00), but you also attend two hour and a half meetings and must also have extensive lesson plans for each of the days you supervise. As a future teacher, I love to develop lesson plans. But not for this particular group of students.
At PLUS Time, it is a large group of diverse students. This diversity is not only ethnically, but religiously, and age as well. There are also a few students who are extremely hard to work with.
As much as I know my experience at PLUS Time will strengthen me for my future classroom, I also question how diverse my future classroom will be. I am an LCT (Lutheran Classroom Teacher) minor, which means I will receive a call when I graduate Fall 2017. I will be in a Lutheran classroom. This will eliminate quite a bit of religious diversity. I am not saying there will be no diversity, but I highly doubt the levels of diversity I will experience will be to the heightened extremes as are found at PLUS Time.
I recently emailed my faculty advisor saying I cannot work there anymore. I did not want to become supervisor because I already have a lot on my plate. I am a full time student. I work at Noodles. I am planning my wedding. I am interviewing for program this semester. I need time for Trevor. AND I need time for myself.
I have become overcommitted here and needed to regain my sense of time management. So that is what I have done.
I will miss some of these kids though.
Throwback Thursday
November 5, 2011
When I'm older and have kids, I plan on being the parent that sits with their kids and watches a movie before they go to bed. Preferably a Disney movie. I kind of got this "inspiration" from my aunt and cousins. They choose a movie whenever I see them at my grandma's and we all curl up closely and watch the movie and sing a long with the songs. It's always a great time to get closer with them. Plus I've seen my little cousin, Lucy, really fall in love with the characters. She wants that Prince Charming she sees in the movies.
I realize that I do really have plenty of time to decide on what I'm going to major in in college... But I've been thinking.
Early Childhood Education?
I'd never really considered it, but looking back, I love little children and how inspiring they can be. And even more so, how great their love for Jesus just radiates out of them in a way that can only be found in them. Faith like a little child!
So maybe this will be the path I'll go down....
But I have time to figure that out yet..
Marianas Trench
Favorite singer
Taylor Swift
Favorite color
Favorite t.v. show(s)
New Girl, Desperate Housewives, Parks & Rec., The Twilight Zone
Favorite movie(s)
The Notebook, Titanic, The Avengers
Favorite author(s)
Sarah Dessen, Francine Rivers
Favorite actors/actress'
Liam Hemsworth, Chris Hemsworth, Gerard Butler, Eva Longoria, Rachel McAdams
Favorite animal
I don't really have a favorite, but I guess probably the bald eagle..
Favorite soda
Root Beer (Barq's to be specific)
Favorite food
Favorite thing about Winter
Movie Marathons while sipping hot chocolate
Favorite thing about Spring
Warm Thunderstorms
Favorite thing about Summer
Funky tan lines, beaches, random friend time
Favorite thing about Fall
Buying back to school supplies(I sound like a nerd!)
Favorite country
USA? Unless it comes to watching the Euro Cup, then it's France because of Yohan Cabaye <3 *drools*
Favorite state
When I'm older and have kids, I plan on being the parent that sits with their kids and watches a movie before they go to bed. Preferably a Disney movie. I kind of got this "inspiration" from my aunt and cousins. They choose a movie whenever I see them at my grandma's and we all curl up closely and watch the movie and sing a long with the songs. It's always a great time to get closer with them. Plus I've seen my little cousin, Lucy, really fall in love with the characters. She wants that Prince Charming she sees in the movies.
I kind of had that same reaction while watching my Disney movies tonight. I want a Prince Charming too.
It's crazy looking back at old posts from high school.
Most of mine were about finding out a guy didn't actually like me.
It honestly embarasses me looking back at a lot of them.
August 24, 2012
Early Childhood Education?
I'd never really considered it, but looking back, I love little children and how inspiring they can be. And even more so, how great their love for Jesus just radiates out of them in a way that can only be found in them. Faith like a little child!
So maybe this will be the path I'll go down....
But I have time to figure that out yet..
I cannot believe that I ever thought that this major might not be the right choice. Yes I am crazy stressed with all of the work I put into it, but that's any major, right?!
June 30, 2012
Favorite bandMarianas Trench
Favorite singer
Taylor Swift
Favorite color
Favorite t.v. show(s)
New Girl, Desperate Housewives, Parks & Rec., The Twilight Zone
Favorite movie(s)
The Notebook, Titanic, The Avengers
Favorite author(s)
Sarah Dessen, Francine Rivers
Favorite actors/actress'
Liam Hemsworth, Chris Hemsworth, Gerard Butler, Eva Longoria, Rachel McAdams
Favorite animal
I don't really have a favorite, but I guess probably the bald eagle..
Favorite soda
Root Beer (Barq's to be specific)
Favorite food
Favorite thing about Winter
Movie Marathons while sipping hot chocolate
Favorite thing about Spring
Warm Thunderstorms
Favorite thing about Summer
Funky tan lines, beaches, random friend time
Favorite thing about Fall
Buying back to school supplies(I sound like a nerd!)
Favorite country
USA? Unless it comes to watching the Euro Cup, then it's France because of Yohan Cabaye <3 *drools*
Favorite state
So basically none of this is true anymore.
Also-over half of these responses were easily influenced based on the guy I liked at that time's opinion.
Despite a lot of the embarrassing stuff I have on my blog, it makes me realize that some of that stuff I dreamed about is actually happening.
That major I wasn't sure of, I now know is the right choice.
Prince charming worked out too. Even though half of the posts on my blog are about a wide range of other guys.
Things work out.
You just have to give them time.
And don't assume everything will be perfect in high school (like I did.)
Oh Deer
Last year, a highlight of attending CUW was this occasion..
If you don't enjoy college-I feel sorry for you.
Well, that was a bit blunt. But honestly, college has held some of the best times of my life so far.
One huge milestone that will be coming up for me in college is my interview into the School of Education. By interviewing and getting accepted, I will be able to do my practicum and student teaching. Both of which are necessary to get my teaching license and to graduate.
I got the all important email today.
Well, that was a bit blunt. But honestly, college has held some of the best times of my life so far.
One huge milestone that will be coming up for me in college is my interview into the School of Education. By interviewing and getting accepted, I will be able to do my practicum and student teaching. Both of which are necessary to get my teaching license and to graduate.
I got the all important email today.
I emailed back promptly, saying that I will be interviewing this semester.
As much as it excited me as I emailed her back, it now terrifies me.
For one, I have not finished any required human relations reports. I have one in progress, but it has a bit to go.
Also, I am no where near done with my eFolio!
I have so much to do!
I voiced my concerns to Trevor.
He is such a blessing.
I love this guy.
Birthday List
Trevor has requested that I make a list of what I want for my birthday (my birthday is the 22nd of February for those of you who didn't know/forgot).
So that's what I worked on yesterday instead of homework. Really productive, I know.
Here are ideas of what to get me for my birthday:
So that's what I worked on yesterday instead of homework. Really productive, I know.
Here are ideas of what to get me for my birthday:
- Bossypants by Tina Fey ($7.15-Amazon)
- Yes Please by Amy Poehler ($17.39-Amazon)
- Going Off Script: How I Survived a Crazy Childhood, Cancer, and Clooney's 32 On-Screen Rejections by Giuliana Rancic ($18.36-Amazon)
- Jordy Nelson Packer Jersey (look at any sketchy foreign site for best price)
- Doctor Who Monopoly ($29.76-Amazon)
- Cads About Matrimony ($29.42-Amazon)
- Taylor Swift tickets ($196.50 a piece, for two seats together-StubHub)
- North Face Wanderer Cover Up|Purple|Medium ($65-The North Face)
- Remington T|Studio Pearl Ceramic Professional AC Hair Dryer ($32.40-Amazon)
- Gift cards to any of the following:
- Target
- H&M
- Cotton On
- Aerie
- Anthropologie
- Victoria's Secret
- Under Armour
- The North Face
- Pac Sun
- Famous Footwear
As you can see, I have a lot of options available. And a wide range of price categories. Obviously, I know I'm not getting Taylor Swift tickets...but a girl can dream, right?!
A Must Read Blog
So as many of you know (if you follow me on Twitter), my favorite blogger commented on one of my posts! Woohoo! Kylie commented on my post from a few days ago. I may have possibly screamed when I read this email:
Seriously, this excited me so much.
I love you ladies that went to high school with me that read my posts, but it's so exciting knowing someone else read my blog!
I just want all of you who have not looked at her blog to go check it out!
She just posted an awesome video on hair.
If you're looking for new products, check some of these out!
I just bought the Garnier Fructis Damage Eraser last night from Target. It was $4.99 and smells like heaven. Also, my hair is so incredibly soft now. I can't believe it!
6 Months
Today officially marks the 6 months point until the wedding day!
August 2 cannot come soon enough!
Things to get done as soon as possible;
-Finish registering for gifts
-Finalize guest list (get addresses)
-Figure out food
Granted there are several other things to do, those are the most necessary to get done soon.
Crazy to think that in 6 short months I get to marry my best friend and finally be his wife.
I cannot wait to spend our lives together.
August 2 cannot come soon enough!
Things to get done as soon as possible;
-Finish registering for gifts
-Finalize guest list (get addresses)
-Figure out food
Granted there are several other things to do, those are the most necessary to get done soon.
Crazy to think that in 6 short months I get to marry my best friend and finally be his wife.
I cannot wait to spend our lives together.
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