

One thing I love about CUW and will miss a lot next year is the lake and bluff area. The past two days I have taken Trevor's camera (that will be another post soon I am sure) and sat down there for over three hours total.
As the school year is winding down, and the papers and projects are stacking up, I'm beginning to feel incredibly stressed. Going for a walk out by the bluff has been a tremendous stress reliever to say the least.


Birthday Weekend

Not only did I celebrate Easter this past weekend, but it was also Trevor's 20th Birthday! I had an amazing time being home with him and am hoping this last month apart goes by quickly.

What better way to celebrate his birthday than by watching his YouTube video cover of "Birthday" by Katy Perry! (I like this version more than the original..but I may be slightly biased!)

Enjoy :)

Faith, Hope, Love

1 Corinthians 13:13,
So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
I'm currently attempting to study for my New Testament test I have tomorrow morning, it isn't going to well. I'm rereading the materials and came across a page from our booklet discussing this verse. Not many verses get a whole page dedicated to them, that's one way you know they should be important to you.
The page digests each component: faith, hope, and love.


  • the trust which takes us beyond ourselves
  • focuses on someone else and though everything in our life rides upon it, it rests this load on another
  • is content with the wisdom, power, and strength of that other One
  • lets Him think and act, He plans and protects, and we're content
  • our tie with God which moves us to Him and accepts His view of us


  • the never conquered virtue
  • is elastic
  • knows no time limit to its hopefulness
  • never says, "I was wrong to hope. There is nothing good, no time left, no way out, nothing that can be done."
  • always has time yet to come
  • always believes that tomorrow may come with good, a good built even on the ruins of today
  • believes that there is a way out, even when we can't see it
  • our tie with God by which we agree with Him that the world was good in its beginning and that its end will be better still
  • the one which defies all expectations
  • laughs at all explanations
  • can't answer why it loves, and never feels it has to
  • accepts what it has been given to love
  • the breath of God into lifeless clay
  • His desire to make someone who is like Him and to love Him when He is far away
  • accepts being loved and knows there is no good reason
  • laughs when others try to find cause and knows He had none
  • our tie with God because love is faith and love is hope
It doesn't get much deeper than this.
If I were half the person Paul was, I would be beyond happy with my life. I only hope that God may use me in the way He has planned, and that my own goals do not interfere with His design.


Students for Life

Tonight was the first evening I attended a Students for Life meeting since last semester.
I'm not exactly sure.
Next year, when I am at Concordia St. Paul, there won't be a Students for Life for me to be apart of, and my mom is pushing me to try to start one there. That's probably the exact reason I had decided earlier this semester that I would most definitely not start it.

Tonight, a lady that works for Eyewitness for Life, Ltd. came in and spoke to the group. A friend of mine is the president of Students for Life and was panicking that no one was going to show up, so I thought I better go.

I almost cried about four times, and then a tear finally did make its way out.
I finally did realize why I had not been back since the end of winter break.
I know someone who has had an abortion and it has changed how I hear any little detail about these things. It moves me to tears just thinking about it, let alone discussing it.
I haven't told my mom, but now I'm reconsidering starting a group in St. Paul. I want to talk with students about this vital issue.

Tonight I learned that 80% of women that go into this center and see the ultrasound of their baby, change their minds and won't have an abortion. 80%! I would love to be able to start something that's even just an ounce as influential as the center here in Milwaukee.
This is definitely going to be something I spend a lot of time praying about before next school year rolls around.


CUW Internet

Greetings, from the Mequon Starbucks.
CUW's Internet has been down all weekend.
Luckily, my iPad stayed connected through most of yesterday, which meant I watched Netflix all day! Gotta love Gossip Girl!
I'm supposed to be doing homework now, but nahh...


5 Love Languages

This past week in my Communications class we discussed intimacy in relationships. It was a rather awkward topic with a large class of college students.
However, the book incorporated the 5 love languages. My parents have read the book, but I have yet to read it. I think it may be a good read for the summer.
I took the online quiz though to find out what my love language is and found it quite interesting.
Take a look: 5 Love Languages Quiz!


The Writing Never Ends

This week has been awful.
It started last week, when it was all assigned.
A Math Paper. On whether or not the US should stay with the US Customary System of Measurements or switch to the Metric System. 2-3 pages.
An English Paper. On a poem, how it does or does not relate to today. 2-2.5 pages.
A New Testament Paper. Various topics to choose from, I chose the topic of Paul's usage of the word peace. 4-6 pages.

2/3 are completed. Poorly, but completed nonetheless.
The one that is currently in progress: the 4-6 page New Testament Paper.
I'm already on page 4, but don't know how/where to end it.
Thus, I'm trying to use up some of my writing creativity here so I can stop writing and be okay with it.
Never thought I'd say that.


Monday Mornings

My goal this semester was to spend more time in the library. Based on last semester, that was not going to be a very hard task. This personal challenge has led me into a new routine.

Monday/Wednesday/Friday Mornings
6:45 am: wake up/hit snooze
6:55-7:20 am: get ready for the day
7:20 am: leave room
7:26 am: arrive at New Testament
7:26-7:32 am: check phone until Paavola begins class late
7:32-8:20 am: New Testament
8:20-8:24 am: walk toward library
8:25 am: use a meal swipe on chocolate chip bread and a water or milk
8:26 am: sit down at regular spot in the library
8:27-8:40 am: check phone/eat breakfast
8:40 am: work on New Testament homework until I'm finished

This happens three times a week, and I must say, I like it. I'm finally in the routine of getting my homework done for New Testament as soon as it's assigned. It's probably the only class I'm quite punctual in. I would love to have this same work ethic in a few of my other classes, but I doubt that will happen.

It will certainly be interesting to see how my schedule changes and works out for next year!


End of the Year (S)lump

As Spring Break is over, the end of the year is in sight!
Yesterday in chapel, Pastor Smith announced only 23 days of classes left! WOAH!
I can't believe this year has gone by so quickly already.

As the year is finishing off, I am finding myself with an abundance of work to do. Ignoring the fact that I have finals in addition to this I have three papers due, a presentation on sleep disorders, a journal reflection, and an annotated bibliography due over the course of next week. The rest of April isn't looking too hot either, After Easter I have two tests, another journal reflection, and three projects due over an eight day period. That makes me exhausted just thinking about it! In addition to the large amount of work mounting up ahead of me, is the lack of motivation that has overcome me.

My one Tuesday/Thursday class was cancelled this last Thursday (4/3), so my plan was to get a "headstart" on these papers I have due next week at the very least. I did nothing. I sat in my room all day, Skyping, sleeping, and on Pinterest, all day.

So much to do, so little time!
My weekend is already shot.


Profs: 2

Second semester prof reports are in :)
Here's a scoop on the profs I have this semester... A bit interesting in comparison with last semester.

Paavola: New Testament REL 203
Imagine a cute little old man. Now imagine he has the energy and attention span of a preschooler. That's Paavola. I have this class at 7:30 am three times a week, and I love it. I was second guessing myself as to if I really wanted to take a class that early in the morning, but he makes it incredibly enjoyable! His energy level is spectacular. He loves hands-on examples and uses a ton of metaphors and comparisons. Also he rides a motorcycle.

Muth: Data and Space: Teaching Math Math 120
Muth is quite the interesting prof. She loves math. And I mean LOVES it. Her philosophy for the class is that everyone should always have math to do because it is so great. The amount of work she assigns certainly reflects that. Also, unlike in Math 119, she uses the entire class period up. She also has a very strange accent, so much so that a girl that sits by me asked her where she grew up because we could not pinpoint her accent ourselves.

Han: Interpersonal Communications COMM 201
This guy has no personality at all. He makes the class quite simple, so I appreciate that. However, I swear he's an Asian robot. I honestly have nothing else to say to him because he has no freaking personality! How is that possible?!

Doebele: Chorale MUS 182
I had Doebele for Chorale last semester. Then she seemed like an odd mix between my grandmother and Mrs. Fosheim, but now I no longer see the resemblance. I'm beginning to realize how truly weird she is. It's probably good I didn't make Kammerchor or I would have spent 9 days with her traveling to and around California with her..Nah, I think I could have handled it for the sake of going to Cali.

Clewein: Intro to Lifetime Fitness HHP 100
This man does not understand the definition of the word "lecture". This course was supposed to be the lecture accompaniment to an activity portion. We did activities almost every single class we met! I did not sign up for that! I mean I guess I'll let it slide because he did kind of remind me of a younger, hotter version of my 7th and 8th grade teacher.

Goeldner: Child Development PSY 221
This woman is the definition of crazy. I would have hated to have her as my mother. Seriously. She has some of the weirdest and most bizarre thoughts to raising children I have ever heard. And she keeps referring to her new granddaughter as "our baby"! WOMAN, SHE'S NOT YOUR BABY! She's a nut job. However, there's hardly any work in her class, so I do enjoy that aspect of the course.

Harries: Culture and Civilization: Literature ENG 103
I chose to have Harries as my English prof purely on the fact that he's super attractive. Best choice ever. Professors are allowed in Chorale, which is how I knew he was so dang attractive. However, I did not realize how good of a professor he would be in addition to his gorgeous looks and witty humor. He's quite passionate about what he teaches and very helpful. And he says page counts on his papers are just suggestions, not requirements! Woahhhh! Seriously, kind of have a bit of a crush on this man.


A New Start

Well, as I am sure you notice (or I hope you did) I took quite the break from blogging. Even to the extent of deleting this blog and my other ones.
I have decided that I am going to pick it back up again, but I need to stick with it and blog regularly. I have yet to define what will be considered regular, however. The other blogs, will not be returning though.
So what have you missed since my last blog post?
Well, sadly not much. I don't have a thrilling college life like most of my old high school friends, which is part of the reason I stopped blogging in the first place..Who wants to read a boring blog about nothing? I sure wouldn't..

So here's what you missed!
At the end of winter break I ended up meeting up with my darling friend, Ana, for coffee and discussed life. 

Came back from winter break and within about two weeks, the ceilings of my dorm hall started to leak.

I switched to a single Augsburg room and bid my old roommate farewell.

Due to now having a single room, I snuck Trevor in overnight and we had a fun little sleepover.

Spring Break 2014: A trip to St. Paul meant seeing Gretchen, Paul, Lu, and O as well as having them meet Trevor. Touring Concordia St. Paul and meeting with several email correspondents in person finally. Getting stuck in a snow storm on our way home (gotta love the midwest). Spending some quality time with both Ana and Sydney.

So that's all that has happened since I last blogged, so not much to be honest.
Most of my posts for the next month and a half will probably be a) stress-related b) counting down the days until school is over or c) missing Trevor.

That's all for now..

It feels so great to be writing here again!