Well I've been getting a bit bored with my blog, so I think I'm going to try something new. Tumblr! I've heard great things about it, so if I don't post on here for a while check me out on there!
Hovie's Life
Tonight I play in the Sectional SemiFinals for volleyball! Well hopefully I can play. I'm still not sure if I have a concussion or not. But I don't think I do. And honestly everyone I talk to says different things about whether or not they thin I have a concussion. At the moment though, I have no headache at all and feel fantastic! Hopefully coach lets me play!
Time to focus in on the prize. We play to win.(1 Corinthian 9:24)
And whether we win or lose, I'm proud to be a part of the Blazer Volleyball team of 2011. I can't wait to continue practicing and have a great time with these ladies.
Lehhgo! It's Game Day!
Well, I guess the title pretty much says it all.
We won tonight, and played one of our best matches of the year. We beat Suring 3-0. Thursday we will either play Florence or Wabeno. Either way we're taking a coach bus up to Florence and will be playing in the Sectional Semi-Finals! Wow!
The adrenaline just keeps pumping!
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Team during the 2nd game! |
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Regional Champs Baby! |
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Touching the precious plaque! |
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Me after the game with the plaque! |
We(seed 1) play Suring(seed 3) for the Regional finals! I want this! I want to be a part of this! I want to be Regional Champions! I can't even imagine the feeling!
Since it's a home game, I'm expecting a pretty full crowd. Thursday at the semi-finals, which was also a home game, we had a black out! It was amazing seeing our whole bleacher section filled and everyone wearing black!
Let's do this!
Shhh... It's Game Day.
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Lady Blazers 2011: Morgen, Ivy, Ana, Sadie, Bekah, Becca, Keifer, Abby, and Me! |
Well yesterday in practice, we were all told to focus.
If you know my team, you know that we have a hard time with that.
Tonight we play in the Regional Finals and if we win, it will be the first time we are Regional Champions since 2007! So this is a crucial game.
So, back to practice, it could potentially be our last practice for the season. I find this rather depressing, especially with how it went!
In fact, I got punched in the back of the head and couldn't focus on anything the rest of the practice. Good thing it happened towards the end of practice! But I'm pretty sure the teammate that did it, doesn't even know because she's a bit self-centered and thinks that because she's setter no one else matters except her. Even though I had a much better angle for the set because she was out of position, and I was squared to the set. Then POW! Right in the back of the head. I've had a constant headache booming in my head ever since then.
I hope it goes away by the time the game starts tonight!
Most people don't realize what their actions do.
Your actions represent who you are. People remember you for your actions. Everything shows what you represent. If you're doing something stupid while wearing your school's apparel, guess what. Others are going to associate bad things with your school.
The same applies to God. Others may not always know we're Christian, but they might get a few hints just based on our actions. If we are loving, and help others, our lights as witnesses are going to shine brighter.
Be a witness for God. Your actions matter.
This post is just going to be kind of a random post about whatever comes into my head. Sorry if it is rather scattered and unorganized.
I've really been missing a few friends lately. Texting just isn't sufficient enough at the moment. I miss seeing them everyday at school. Even though I haven't had them in class since the eighth grade and I'm now a junior, it seems like just yesterday I met them. I would do anything to spend a week in classes with them again.
Despite my missing of past friends, things are finally beginning to clear up slightly with my friends I'm in school with now. I don't feel like quite as much of an outcast at my lunch table like I did earlier this year. I also am getting along better with people that came last year that I didn't like very much at that time. In fact, I'm getting pretty close with one of them. Naturally, it's due to a few boy related issues.
FIRST SEED! Yes! My volleyball team got first seed for our region! That's awesome! So next Thursday we have a home game for regional semi-finals! I'm so excited! There is a legitimate chance of us making it to state this year. And after yesterday's practice, I think it is very possible. I've never loved being on a team more than I have with this team this year. I don't feel that close of a connection with some of them, but I feel so involved I guess. Like I really enjoy playing and winning with them. Although our record isn't very good right now, we've had a lot of internal victories with our team. We're young. Starting: 2 freshmen, 2 sophomores, 2 juniors, and a senior. That's pretty impressive for a first seed team if you ask me. I'm just excited to see where we end up this season! I'm ready to take on any and every challenge that gets thrown at us!
Well, I'm going to move on to my current favorite topic: BOYS! Who doesn't love this topic?! Well I was texting someone, you can probably all figure this out... And it was during the Packer game and I was explaining why it was really awkward at my house at the time because of all the church workers my dad had invited over. So he was like, oh you should just come to my house and watch the game with me. Dang. I wish I could drive. But since I can't, I had do way to get there. =( And I also found out that due to me switching shirts with another girl in Stage One that I won't be partnered with him for that anymore. So sad.. Oh well..
Well I think that's all for now! =)
I've really been missing a few friends lately. Texting just isn't sufficient enough at the moment. I miss seeing them everyday at school. Even though I haven't had them in class since the eighth grade and I'm now a junior, it seems like just yesterday I met them. I would do anything to spend a week in classes with them again.
Despite my missing of past friends, things are finally beginning to clear up slightly with my friends I'm in school with now. I don't feel like quite as much of an outcast at my lunch table like I did earlier this year. I also am getting along better with people that came last year that I didn't like very much at that time. In fact, I'm getting pretty close with one of them. Naturally, it's due to a few boy related issues.
FIRST SEED! Yes! My volleyball team got first seed for our region! That's awesome! So next Thursday we have a home game for regional semi-finals! I'm so excited! There is a legitimate chance of us making it to state this year. And after yesterday's practice, I think it is very possible. I've never loved being on a team more than I have with this team this year. I don't feel that close of a connection with some of them, but I feel so involved I guess. Like I really enjoy playing and winning with them. Although our record isn't very good right now, we've had a lot of internal victories with our team. We're young. Starting: 2 freshmen, 2 sophomores, 2 juniors, and a senior. That's pretty impressive for a first seed team if you ask me. I'm just excited to see where we end up this season! I'm ready to take on any and every challenge that gets thrown at us!
Well, I'm going to move on to my current favorite topic: BOYS! Who doesn't love this topic?! Well I was texting someone, you can probably all figure this out... And it was during the Packer game and I was explaining why it was really awkward at my house at the time because of all the church workers my dad had invited over. So he was like, oh you should just come to my house and watch the game with me. Dang. I wish I could drive. But since I can't, I had do way to get there. =( And I also found out that due to me switching shirts with another girl in Stage One that I won't be partnered with him for that anymore. So sad.. Oh well..
Well I think that's all for now! =)
Those People
Honestly, I have a great idea for this post, but it isn't going anywhere. So this will be interesting.
Sometimes I act differently around people in person than I do via text or Facebook.
I don't really know why. In fact, I try to be rather social, and I think I do that very well through other methods besides talking to them in person.
This really only applies to a few people.
I don't know what to do to change this either, that's the part that stinks the most.
So I'm going to try acting differently from now on around those people.
I'm just going to be myself.
Are things finally beginning to turn my way?
A phone call.
A hug.
I wonder what the rest of the weekend will bring.
Wow, I don't think I've ever been more stressed than I am at the moment!
Why this is currently ironic because Jenee, Rae, and I are going to be leading a Bible study on Friday about stress, I just can't get it to apply to me. In fact, I think that is just frustrating me more.
Main area of stress: school. Contributing factors: friends, boys, and volleyball.
School seems so overwhelming right now! With two major tests on Friday, both of which are looking like I will be failing. Plus planning my Bible study I mentioned earlier, which is also for Friday.
Now, that I look at it, I guess the "contributing factors" almost outweigh school.
Friends. I'm once again beginning to question EVERYTHING! With volleyball, it is nearly impossible to have any time for my friends outside of volleyball. I feel extremely guilty about this, but honestly it isn't just my fault. I think they should be stepping it up a bit too if they're actually my true friends.
Boys. Yes, I've once again fallen into the trap of liking a guy. But this time it seems so different. Although I'm sure I've said this before, I think something may actually happen this time. In fact, after volleyball practice today, he asked me if we could talk quick. So we walked to the commons and he told me that he was sure that I'd probably heard from people that he wanted to ask me out. Which I had and was sort of hoping for. But he just wanted to tell me that he thought I'm a really cool person and that we need to hang out more before we get into dating.
While I'm glad he told me this, and especially that he told me this in person, I'm slightly disappointed too. Actually I guess I feel more respect for him honestly. I'm glad he told me this and cleared things up, I think it really shows that he does care.
Volleyball. My coach showed our team today what our region looks like for the upcoming tournament run. In our region: Gibraltar(0-19), Sevastopol(1-13?), Lena(3-10), Suring(7-11), and us(4-28). Obviously when you're looking at the records seeding looks like it will go Suring, us, Lena, Sevastopol, and Gibraltar. But, the meeting isn't until Sunday afternoon. Between now and Sunday we have a game against Southern Door and a tournament in Oconto Falls. We could potentially bump our record up to over 7 wins and get seed 1. Hopefully this will happen. Now if you don't look at the numbers, but the schedules, you'd be amazed. My team plays tournaments every weekend against D1 & D2 teams. We're D4. That alone should set us above the others. We looked through Suring's schedule. Definitly not as rigorous as our's. So hopefully we can get seed 1 and host 2 home games for regionals. This run towards state, is very, very possible this year. If we stay focused and on task, we could make it to the Resch Center, despite what everyone else thinks.
A Night For The Books
Who would have thought it was possible to have two AMAZING weekends in a row?
Well I'm now a believer that this can happen.
Last weekend was homecoming, so that obviously brought amazing times of memories and laughter and, naturally, a few amazing pictures to help capture a few of those moments.
Tonight, however, I didn't expect to be that great. I figured, 'O it's the weekend after homecoming. I'll use this as a sort of recovery weekend.' Did that happen? No.
Last night my whole volleyball team spent the night in Sheboygan for a tournament that took place today. We went 1-3 and ended up beating the host team. So I felt somewhat accomplished after that!
Then, tonight, I went to a bonfire at Jordan's house.
Actually I don't think you can classify it as a bonfire considering we didn't stand by the fire at all, but that's what the original plan was.
Instead of staying by the fire, Jordan, Jake, Kayla, and I decided to go Ding-Dong-Ditching. After finishing the first house and successfully getting away, we were casually walking down the street, well as casually as you can get at 9 at night. And Kayla points and says, "Cop!" I personally thought she was just joking, and apparently that's what Jordan and Jake thought as well. As the car approached, I saw that it was actually a squad car. Honestly, I thought I was going to pee my pants at that very moment. The car stopped. The police officer then proceeded to turn his spotlight straight on to the four of us. He asked us several questions, like where we were headed and if we were going to a party and so on. Jordan, being a well spoken individual covered us very well. Then the police officer drove off, and we just stood there for a moment in the street, trying to breath normally again. Talk about a close call!
We then continued in our original direction, away from Jordan's house, and then realized we should probably head back to his house. So we turned around and began walking that way. That was when the police car's sirens and lights began flashing. Moment #2 when I almost peed my pants tonight. Luckily, the officer sped past the four of us, and we waved and tried to look like innocent little children that had done nothing wrong.
On the way back to Jordan's, we had a large variety of topics. Among them, walking in a straight line, acting shady, talking to strange ghetto kids, and of course our lack of glow sticks.
Then we got back to Jordan's and actually managed to find some glow sticks. With these, another range of topics arose. These are to be left unnamed due to the obscurity of them. Wow, talk about a crazy night. And to think I almost forgot about the best part. Ninja. We played Ninja behind an elementary school near Jordan's house! Jordan won the first round, but only because of his amazing Ninja-like sound effects that scared us all away. I managed to win the second round. And Kayla won the third round. So we decided that the three of us are champions and that Jake was the loser of Ninja. We then laid in the parking lot across the United States map and gazed at the stars.
It was truly a night to remember. I will never forget our amazing quotes and memories that came with it. =)
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